Student Juggles for Police to Show Sobriety

Encounters with law enforcement can be scary.  You might not know how to act or respond when you get pulled over, and you might be unsure about why you were pulled over in the first place. People tend to be serious when interacting with the police, but one college student took a different approach.

A student from the University of Central Arkansas was pulled over for having a broken tail light. When the police asked him if he had been drinking he responded with fun and merriment to show the police officer that he was not intoxicated.  In fact, the student was an amateur magician, and he used his juggling skills to befriend the officer and show that he was not impaired. What could have been a tense situation was diffused with laughter and juggling. You can watch the video here.

Interactions with police are not always so light-hearted. If you find yourself in an adversarial encounter with police please do not hesitate to call our office at 601-948-4444. You may speak with an attorney and have a consultation about your case. Please also look at our reviews at and

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