
Former Football Hero Has Bad Day

Anyone can find themselves in trouble with the law, especially when it comes to DUIs. In fact, you probably have a friend or have experienced yourself how quickly a person can be pulled over and issued a citation or arrested.

Bo Wallace, the three year starting quarterback at Ole Miss, found himself in this exact situation earlier this month. He was arrested in Clay County by the West Point Police earlier this June. According to East Mississippi Community College Coach Buddy Stephens, Wallace had taken prescription medication that day. On his way home he fell asleep and wrecked. You can read more about this incident here.

All kinds of people get charged with DUIs, even SEC quarterbacks. This is a serious matter that should be handled with the help of a skilled attorney. If you or a loved one ends up in this scary situation please contact our office for a consultation to discuss your options. You can reach our office at 601-948-4444 or visit our website.

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