
Independence Day Travel and Safety

       Independence Day, more commonly known as the “Fourth of July”, is one of the nation’s most respected and popular national holidays. People across the country celebrate amongst family and friends, with hot dogs and burgers over the grill, usually with a soda or ice-cold beer. Additionally, it is very common for people to travel to lakes, beaches, or any body of water to cool off in the overbearing July heat.   

 The Downside of the Fourth of July Holiday 

        However, the week of the holiday is not only known for its celebrations, but also for the number of DUI’s and fatal car crashes that occur. Considering the amount of travel that people do over the holiday week, along with the type of celebrations that are happening, it is no wonder why there is an increase in DUI’s and fatal car crashes. 

        “In 2020, 493 people died in motor vehicle crashes over the July 4th holiday period (6 p.m. July 2 – 5:59 a.m. July 6, 2020). Forty-one percent (201) of those fatalities occurred in alcohol-impaired-driving crashes.”Https://www.Trafficsafetymarketing.Gov/get-materials/drunk-driving/buzzed-driving-drunk-driving/4th-July-buzzed-driving 

         In 2018, “193 people died in motor vehicle road accidents. 40% (78) of those killed, involved DUI or alcohol impaired accidents. This compares to 2017 when 38% of the July 4 holiday period fatalities occurred in alcohol-impaired-driving crashes. 71% of those who died in alcohol-impaired crashes were in a crash involving at least one driver or motorcyclist with a BAC of .15 or higher.” Https://accidentdoctor.Org/July-4th-accident-statistics-2020/  

        “From 2016 to 2020, there were 1,390 drivers killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes over the 4th of July holiday period. Thirty-nine percent (542) of the drivers killed were alcohol-impaired (with a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or higher), and more than half (51%) were between the ages of 21-34.”Https://www.Trafficsafetymarketing.Gov/get-materials/drunk-driving/buzzed-driving-drunk-driving/4th-July-buzzed-driving 

        In many states, causing a person’s death while driving under the influence can have penalties that include life in prison. In Mississippi, a DUI offense that results in injury or death is considered an aggravated DUI and a person can face up to 25 years in prison for each injury or death.  

        According to alcohol.Org, “the insurance institute for highway safety calculated that “the fourth of July is the worst day of the year for fatal car crashes,” and the national highway traffic safety association found that between 2007 and 2011, 40 percent of all the highway deaths that occurred were the result of drunk drivers over the fourth of July weekend.” 

        On average, 34.4 million Americans take to the road every fourth of July week or weekend. Literally hundreds of millions of hot dogs are eaten, and roughly 68 million cases of beer are cracked open. This can be a prime recipe for a great time celebrating the birth of our nation with family, friends, and fellow Americans, or to be facing potentially life altering or life ending situations because of a DUI.  

        Just like in every other scenario, if you are intoxicated during this year’s Fourth of July celebrations, be responsible in your actions and do not get behind the wheel of a car. Additionally like on any other day, if you are ever accused of driving under the influence, contact a qualified DUI attorney.  

 Enlist the help of a qualified attorney 

        When you are searching the state of Mississippi for a qualified, experienced DUI defense attorney, look no further than Vic Carmody Jr., P.A. No matter the circumstances of your case, the sooner you get in touch with a qualified DUI attorney the better chance you have at a favorable outcome for your case. Over the years, we have helped countless defendants who have been charged with DUI’s. Please call us for a consultation today, and we can help you defend yourself in the unfortunate case of being arrested and charged with a DUI in Mississippi.  

       Please also see us on and view our reviews on,, and Our email address is, and our office phone number is (601) 948 – 4444 option 1. 

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