
What Are Potential Sentences for DUI Causing Death in Mississippi?

DUI defendants may assume that convicts rarely receive the maximum sentence for their crimes. You may think that although a crime is punishable by decades in prison, these penalties rarely occur in reality. However, Mississippi courts do issue maximum sentences for DUI-related crimes, and a recent example involves the death of a mother and a small child. This case may provide some insights as to when criminal courts issue maximum sentences for DUI offenses in Mississippi. 

Woman Receives 110 Years in Prison After Fatal DUI

In May of 2024, ABC News reported that a Mississippi woman had been sentenced to 110 years in prison for causing the death of a mother and child while driving drunk. She faced four counts of aggravated DUI and a single count of fourth-offense DUI. The first four aggravated DUI counts had a maximum sentence of 25 years each, while the fourth-offense DUI count had a maximum sentence of 10 years. She received the maximum sentence for all five counts, leading to a total of 110 years behind bars. The sentences will run concurrently, meaning the woman will probably die in prison. 

In 2021, the defendant ran a red light and struck a vehicle on Highway 18 – causing the death of a 39-year-old woman and her 6-month-old son. The grandmother of the child testified at the trial, accusing the defendant of “learning nothing” from the incident. In his remarks, the judge expressed hope that the sentence would provide closure for the family. 

Witnesses say the defendant was driving in an extremely erratic manner prior to the crash – exhibiting high speed, veering off the road, and spraying gravel in all directions. 

Why Did She Receive the Maximum Sentence?

This individual probably faced the maximum sentence because of the nature of the offense – particularly in regard to the victims. Killing a mother and child may be seen as a more heinous crime compared to killing a normal adult. Mothers and children are seen as inherently innocent by courts, and part of this has to do with our instinctual need to protect women and children. After all, there is a reason that women and children were the first ones to be evacuated from a sinking Titanic. 

We also have to consider the BAC level of the defendant, which was apparently three times the legal limit when she finally crashed. However, this was never actually proven in court – as an expert testified that there was no way of knowing what her BAC level might have been at the time of the crash. This provided a slim opportunity for the defense attorney, who argued that the verdict should be set aside due to the questionable BAC level. However, the judge quickly dismissed this motion and stated that it had no merit. 

In addition, the judge pointed out that the defendant did not appear to show any remorse – both at the scene of the crime and the subsequent trial. There were also reports of the defendant consuming drugs while behind bars – implying that she did not attempt to address her substance abuse problems. 

But perhaps the most important factor in this case was the defendant’s decision to plead not guilty. The first trial ended with a hung jury, which is somewhat surprising given the circumstances. Nonetheless, a second trial commenced – and this time the jury was unanimous in their verdict. The defendant probably should have known that the average citizen would look upon the death of a mother and child in extremely unfavorable terms. It’s important to remember that no matter how heinous the accusations might be, each defendant is innocent until proven guilty in Mississippi. Everyone has the right to request a trial under the United States Constitution – no matter what. 

Find an Experienced DUI Defense Lawyer in Mississippi

If you have been searching for an experienced DUI defense lawyer in Mississippi, look no further than Vic Carmody Jr, P.A. Maximum sentences are possible in Mississippi – and it makes sense to work with experienced defense attorneys to avoid this fate. With our help, you can mitigate any penalties you might be facing. In addition to reducing your potential sentence, it might be possible to avoid it entirely. Reach out today to get started with an effective defense strategy. 

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