Articles Posted in Assault & Battery

Simple assault is a relatively serious offense in Mississippi, and it may lead to up to six months in jail. However, the penalties for assault crimes vary depending on the victim. If you assault certain people in Mississippi, you face more serious consequences. These “protected individuals” include children, seniors, and police officers. However, postal workers also fall into this general category. Even a “simple assault” on a postal worker can result in federal charges and prison time. If you have been accused of assaulting a mail carrier, you may want to get in touch with an experienced criminal defense attorney in Mississippi as soon as possible.

Mississippi Man Gets 20 Years for Threatening Mail Carrier

Even if you do not physically harm a mail carrier, you could still face decades in prison. In May of 2024, the Justice Department announced that a man from Sledge had been sentenced to 20 years in prison for threatening a mail carrier with an unspecified “dangerous weapon.” The fact that the Justice Department did not specifically state that this was a firearm suggests that it may have been something more along the lines of a baseball bat or knife. The incident occurred in 2022, and the defendant has been in custody since he made the threat. 

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