Same-sex sex marriage is a controversial and divisive issue in the United States, and Mississippi is no exception. While same-sex marriage is now fully legal in Mississippi, there are still many challenges facing same-sex couples.
Same-sex couples in the southern United States often face discrimination and prejudice due to the region’s conservative cultural and religious values. One of the main challenges facing same-sex couples in Mississippi is discrimination in the workplace. Though there are federal protections in place, Mississippi law has not adopted those and in fact, our state laws state it is still legal to fire or refuse to hire someone based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. This of course can make it difficult for LGBTQ+ individuals to find and keep employment. Additionally, many southern businesses and organizations have been known to refuse service to same-sex couples. This discrimination can make it difficult for same-sex couples to find housing, employment, and healthcare, as well as access to other essential services. Furthermore, hate crimes against LGBTQ+ individuals are disproportionately high in the south. These factors can make it hard for same-sex couples to live openly and safely in states like Mississippi.