Things You Must Not Say or Do When Stopped for A DUI!
There are many things that people should consider when being pulled over for a driving under the influence charge. It always helps to be respectful, obey any of the officer’s legal commands, and try to say and do as little as possible during the police encounter. Now, it is true that abiding by these guidelines does not always mean that the officer will treat you with the same kind of respect, but it will at least not start the police stop on a bad foot. Beyond that, the circumstances of every encounter will be different, and uniformity cannot always be the expected outcome. There are a couple for sure things that should never be done during a traffic stop.
Not the Time to Dance
One thing in particular you should not do, during a traffic stop, and when in the middle of a DUI field sobriety test, is try to dance your way out of it. A video surfaced on the internet in late August about a Florida woman who attempted to beat a field sobriety test by Irish Folk Dancing. While the video is clearly entertaining, the driver/dancers actions did nothing to benefit her case. In all reality, her actions made it easier for officers to charge her with driving under the influence. If a driver has chosen to perform any field sobriety test, the best thing to do is follow the instructions to the letter. Trying other ways, including folk dancing, to impress or prove to the police that you are not intoxicated, will never result in a positive outcome.
I did it! Did I do it?
While it is never good to lie, especially to the police, not saying anything, often gets the best results when charged with a DUI. Of the many things that a person being pulled over for a DUI could say, never openly state to the officer “You know I’m hammered” like one man did in Sumter County Florida. Even if “hammered” could be accurate, saying so gives the officer your admission of guilt. The officer is also free to add his own meaning to the term “hammered.” Even though an empty bottle of vodka was found in the vehicle during the stop, the “You know I’m hammered” statement did nothing to help the drivers case. Whether or not he had a couple drinks or drank the entire bottle of vodka, his statement painted a picture that was not going to leave the arresting officer or future judge’s with a positive perception about what went on. When you say something that tends to show your guilt, it will be held most strongly against you. You have the right to remain silent and you should do so.
A “Drunk Lives Matter” Shirt
A person’s choice of clothing is their own choosing, and no one has the right to tell someone what they can and can’t wear in their personal vehicle. Wearing certain types of clothing may however, negatively affect person being pulled over for suspicion of DUI. One Pennsylvania man found this out the hard way back in 2017. Elwood Gutshall III was pulled over after committing several traffic violations and was found to be intoxicated while driving. The shirt that he was wearing was bright green, and had large white letters that stated, “DRUNK LIVES MATTER.” Although some may find this a funny statement of a current social issue, arresting officers could see this as an indication of that persons beliefs or tendencies. Officers would not have the right to arrest or pull someone over just because the type of clothing, however in circumstances like the one above, it could not help your case.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney
When you are searching the state of Mississippi for a qualified, experienced DUI defense attorney, look no further than Vic Carmody Jr., P.A. No matter the circumstances of your case, the sooner you get in touch with a qualified DUI attorney the better chance you have at a favorable outcome for your case. Over the years, we have helped countless defendants who have been charged with DUI’s. Please call us for a consultation today. We can help you defend yourself in the unfortunate case of being arrested and charged with a DUI in Mississippi.
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